HerVenture Transforms Tiffiany Braithwaite into a Confident Businesswoman

Tiffiany Braithwaite - HV User

Written by: Deandra Daniels ? Edited by: Shari Simon ? March 07th, 2022

23-year-old Tiffiany Braithwaite is a student at the University of the West Indies and Jain Online University. By profession, she is a Sales Clerk and operates a small business called T’s Greet and Treats.

Tiffiany, when asked about her passion for becoming a women entrepreneur stated that she had always loved craft for a while now. She said, “I have always been the one to make a customized card for relatives and close friends at birthdays and anniversaries, and they would even advise that I should start selling the items because they loved them.”

A T’s Greet and Treats Creation

She further added, “When the pandemic hit, I had so much time on my hands that I thought to myself I should turn this skill into a business and so I did. I took the opportunity to start selling handmade cards.”

Tiffiany shared that at a young age she sometimes worked along with her mother and assisted in creating décor for weddings such as centerpieces, decorative glasses, and even bouquets. Over time, as she developed her craft-making skills, Tiffiany decided to launch her own business.

T’s Greet and Treats offers handmade greeting cards for birthdays, anniversaries, or any other special occasion along with customized bouquets and invitations. Currently, she is working on producing personalized party favors, cups, bottles, and treat bags.

Tiffiany initially learned about the HerVenture mobile learning app when she read a newspaper advertisement one day. She had already launched her business and welcomed the range of business knowledge and skills and confidence that was featured on the app.

“Even though my business was launched, there were a number of unanswered questions that I had and the app did provide me with those answers,” Tiffiany said. Digital Marketing, was noted as the most impactful module for Tiffiany, because its lessons served as excellent guides to successfully market a business online.

“The module lists tools that are required to build your brand, monitor customer engagement, and leave room for their feedback,” she said. Also, she shared that one of the easiest lessons to learn and execute was the lesson on ‘Launching a Business,’ due to the fact that the lesson content was relatable and offered tips she could still use as her business grows.

The hardest lesson to execute however was ‘Managing Business Records,’ as she is still improving her record-keeping skills for the business. She was happy that the app clearly outlined record-keeping strategies and showed the benefits of effective record-keeping as well as techniques that can be used to get it done.

In the form of life lessons, Tiffiany stated that record management can be applied to her personal life as well, in terms of how she spends her finances. “I would definitely recommend the HerVenture app to other entrepreneurs because you can learn so much information that would be useful to your business and even applicable to your everyday life,” Tiffiany said. “Once you have a passion for business, the HerVenture app is definitely the app for you.”

Tiffiany, while endorsing the app, shared the five-year vision she had for her business and added, “There is a lot I want to see done for my business in five years. I want my business to be a thriving and a hub for craft and customers should be able to have their craft needs met not just online but at a physical store.”

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