
Build Your Dream Business!

Less than 2% of all business owners write a comprehensive plan for their business's future.

PlanningCLUB offers you one of the best chances to be a part of that 2% of business owners. This two-day workshop focuses on writing and executing a detailed business plan that will grow your business like never before. Your business plan will not only chart a path towards growing revenue, will provide you with an online copy of your plan that can be continuously edited and modified to reflect the changing fundamentals of your business.

PlanningCLUB is primarily aimed at owners of mid-sized businesses looking to break into a larger market segment, but all business owners can benefit from the accelerated pace of growth it enables your business to achieve. With PlanningCLUB, you’ll have your very own online profile complete with your business plan, cash flows, business metrics, and future projections of growth. This allows you to compare projections with reality as you execute your plan, and make adjustments as needed along the way.


Why to Join Us and Other Business Owners at The PlanningCLUB workshop?


Put Your Ideas into Action and Grow Your Business

Join a two-day PlanningCLUB workshop and put your ideas into action. PlanningCLUB workshop is all about enhancing the growth of your business. This will result in the growth of your cash flow so you can have the money to enjoy a great lifestyle, growth in profitability so your business is stable and strong, growth in equity value so you have a growing asset to sell in the future, and growth in control so you can pass your business to family members. Ultimately, you will have a business that runs without you, providing you with monthly income and better lifestyle options. The great part of PlanningCLUB workshop is that you get to test your ideas in real time. This will make it easy to choose the right combination of ideas which produces the best results for you, the best results for your business, and the best results for your future. At the end of PlanningCLUB workshop, you have access to both your live-plan and a printed copy of it. Over time you can make changes to your live information and reproduce your plan at the touch of a button...but it's so much more than that!


Powerful Cash Flow Modelling

During your PlanningCLUB two-day event, you will have access to a powerful business modeling tool. This tool allows you to create a variety of ‘what if’ scenarios that illustrate what happens over five-year period years for annual cash flow as well as detailed cash flow for the next twelve months. Understanding the effects on your business' cash flow is extremely important when making everyday business decisions: hiring key employees, moving to a new rental space, purchasing new equipment, adding additional expenses, purchasing a new building, changing your product/service pricing, etc. Rather than making these decisions on the fly and waiting for the results, you can instead make these decisions using your cloud-based system. You aren't just restricted to doing this during the PlanningCLUB workshop session - you can use this program for the entire life of your subscription. Using this system will let you immediately see if your decision positively or negatively impacts cash flow. During your PlanningCLUB workshop, you will learn the six key drivers of cash flow, as well as how to make immediate changes so that your cash flow improves beyond your wildest imagination.


Grow Profits and Equity Value

During your two days of PlanningCLUB and with your ongoing subscription, you get to make changes to your business via the online program, le ng you see the immediate results to your break-even, profitability, and equity value growth. With almost no training, you get to become a financial whiz at your business as well as learn and understand the seven drives which affect revenue growth, profit growth, and value growth of your business. We remove the hidden complexities of business so that you can easily transform the financial results of your company. Your access to our online business modeling tool will transform you into a financial expert within minutes - guaranteed.


Strategies for Improvement

When you work with us over the two days of PlanningCLUB, you will gain access to more than 1,100 business strategies within twenty strategic areas of your business. These include strategies to increase your number of clients, improve your conversion to sales, increase your average value sold to customers, build business mastery, improve team performance, reduce costs, foster repeat business, and so much more. During the two days, we’ll work closely with you to formulate your strategic direction, build powerful goals, and set strategies for increased performance. Plus, you’ll gain access to all of the 1,100 + strategies over the life of your subscription to really make your business perform.


Live Business Plan

When you work with us over the two days of PlanningCLUB, you will gain access to more than 1,100 business strategies within twenty strategic areas of your business. These include strategies to increase your number of clients, improve your conversion to sales, increase your average value sold to customers, build business mastery, improve team performance, reduce costs, foster repeat business, and so much more. During the two days, we’ll work closely with you to formulate your strategic direction, build powerful goals, and set strategies for increased performance. Plus, you’ll gain access to all of the 1,100 + strategies over the life of your subscription to really make your business perform.


Business Experts

During the two-day PlanningCLUB workshop, you will have one-on-one time with me as your coach. We'll work together on building your goals, improving your cash flow, increasing your profitability, and increasing your business' equity value so you can construct a business to take you into the future. At the two-day PlanningCLUB workshop, you will be able to discuss with other business owners how they improved their businesses and how they have been successful, and you will get to share ideas that can form the seeds of discovery. Join like-minded business people who are dedicated to improving the growth of their business.


Get Access to Powerful Business Growth Opportunities

At the end of your two-day PlanningCLUB workshop, you will be given access to other opportunities to grow your business. You will have the chance to work with me and other business owners who are dedicated to growing their businesses and helping others around them. Become part of our culture of success and make every year more successful than your last. Regardless of whether you are focused on strategic growth, cash flow, and profit growth, or your desire to build a business that works without you, we have a culture and program to support your direction and outcomes.


Join us at the next PlanningCLUB workshop 2-day workshop and change the way you think about your business. You will get:

• Two days with a business expert coach to strategize your business
• Online access to our powerful business modeling tool
• Access to more than 1,100 business strategies to super grow your business
• A full business plan for your business, which you use to improve your business
• Ideas to immediately improve revenue, cash flow, profits, and equity growth
• Online access to your live-plan

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