Sep 20, 2022
Now when the post-pandemic world is finally on the horizon, companies are slowly calling their employees back to the office. Many employers worry that their workers may quit if not allowed to continue working from home.
Numerous studies done during the pandemic showed that the fears of productivity loss weren’t realized. Various studies showed that the productivity rates are higher now than they were in the traditional working setting.
While we know that the majority of employees want to work in a hybrid way — splitting their time between working remotely and in-person — there’s still heightened fear and stress about working in the hybrid work environment.
What are some of the most common fears business owners have regarding remote work?
- Retention
- Loss of Control
- Loss of Culture
- Information Security
- Interruption of one-to-one communication
- Complicated Recruitment Process
- The possibility that employees working remotely might not suit everyone’s needs or personality type
- Thinking that without an office, clients won’t take the company seriously.
When their needs are considered, and the employer trusts them, employees are more likely to stay with their employer and have higher levels of engagement. Organizations of the future will look significantly different from what we are used to, and only those ready to adapt will survive and thrive in this fast-changing environment.
Here are our suggestions:
- Let go of your fears, it’s the new normal
- Adapt and be flexible
- Accelerate tech transformation
- Trust your employees and get them to trust you
- Take the issue of employee engagement seriously