Logo of ActionINVEST Caribbean Inc. Guyana

‘Floor It’ takes flooring to a new level…


“If you want to reach your potential and become the person you were created to be, you must do much more than just experience life and hope that you learn what you need along the way. You must go out of your way to seize growth opportunities as if your future depended on it.”  John […]

Built in Guyana: Joshua Kissoon Talks About The Rise of Techlify Inc.

blog image- Joshua

By Shari Simon 13th October, 2020 Ever since he was a child, Joshua Kissoon believed that someday his fascination with mobile phones, computers and other tech gadgets, will lead him to create something innovative to bring change to the world. As time passed, he felt that the more he interacted with different technological devices, the […]

The Journey from a Garage to ISO Certification – Collaboration is key


Ever so often something happens – a scientific breakthrough, an invention, a disaster – that can either create opportunities, test our ability to adapt or destroy us. The Covid-19 pandemic has decimated the tourism and entertainment industries for instance as there was hardly room for those businesses to adapt as the customer experience requires physical […]

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