Why Companies Should Practice Good Archiving and Records Management

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Article Contributors: Shari Simon & Keon Smith ? March 02nd, 2022

Records are extremely important for an organization’s decision-making and growth process because it allows business data to be in one place. Whether it’s a large organization or micro business, records play a role in everyday operations.

Records can be purchasing receipts, financial documents, or other correspondences that are received from customers and suppliers. All records need to be identified, stored, and managed appropriately so that they can be easily accessible and retrievable.

Some key questions to ask as a business leader are: Am I keeping sufficient records? And even though I have the records, are my records being stored and managed effectively?

There are different records management methods that an organization can use to ensure that it is best suited for the work environment and industry, as well as to ensure organizational information is present to easily meet client demands.

In the Archiving and Records Management workshop, participants will learn to define and understand records and archives and how to use different strategies to collect records as well as archiving practices to classify those records in different ways. This way, the records can be maintained, modified, and tailored for the organization.

Good record-keeping allows any organization to make effective and impactful decisions in order to achieve long-term success.

To register for ACI’s Archiving and Records Management course or any LMS module, give ACI a call on telephone number +592 223 – 5583, email info@actioninvest.org or visit https://actioninvest.org/corporate-training-learning-management-system/

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