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Built in Guyana: Joshua Kissoon Talks About The Rise of Techlify Inc.

blog image- Joshua

By Shari Simon

13th October, 2020

Ever since he was a child, Joshua Kissoon believed that someday his fascination with mobile phones, computers and other tech gadgets, will lead him to create something innovative to bring change to the world. As time passed, he felt that the more he interacted with different technological devices, the fonder his interests grew in paying considerable attention to them.

Recalling a moment in time that really sparked his childhood curiosity, Kissoon expressed, “In 2002, I think I was eleven, one of my cousins sent me his old computer. I was so fascinated by it. The fact that we can use the computer, use the phone line, use a yap jack and connect to the internet to make calls overseas and also play video games. I was really excited by the things you can do with computers.”

Oftentimes, he would try to carefully examine and essentially pick apart these impressive yet complex devices and complementing features, and analyze the emerging demand culture that co-evolved with them. This curiosity and analytical attribute allowed him to sit back and assess what were local market setbacks. He decided upon an ideal solution, newer technology products driven by efficient data for effective business support.

Following completion of a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the University of Guyana, Kissoon related that, his motivation came after starting another company in Bangalore, India. Seeing fast-paced results and performance, he decided to end his tenure there, and develop a tech-based company in Guyana. Now, fully equipped with an abundance of knowledge, practical skills and market versatility, he was determined to positively impact the local technological industry.

Recognizing both the challenges and growth opportunities that awaited, Kissoon established Techlify Inc. in 2015. “It was really impact that motivated me. I noticed there was a massive need in Guyana and Techlify had solutions,” he said.

Furthermore, he noted that, “I also realized Guyana has so much potential. We have a lot of opportunity to make an impact on our country through technology use. Since we started, our work has been around the business community, helping them move into the digital age of digitizing systems from paper-based systems, and putting business automation processes in place. Techlify is really helping businesses to become data-driven.”

In the beginning, the company was managed as a sole proprietorship. Kissoon, being a young Guyanese entrepreneur at the time, aimed at advancing business operations, management and quality of work for profitability by utilizing the services of ActionCOACH Guyana.

As Guyana’s leading company specializing in providing professional coaching and training development services, ActionCOACH Guyana assisted Kissoon by nurturing several attributes for his company’s success. He remarked that, Dr. Vishnu Doerga, Founder of ActionCOACH Guyana and Executive Chairman of ActionINVEST Caribbean Inc., along with the ActionCOACH Guyana team, allowed him to benefit from a wide-range of tools, techniques, knowledge, experience to business-oriented strategies, and coaching advice for organizational growth and efficiency of Techlify Inc.

Today, Techlify Inc. provides custom software applications, software development and installations, and a few newly introduced support services. There are also mobile app developments, IT automations, enterprise and cloud solutions, and network and IT support services, which have benefited an extensive list of local businesses.

“A part from that, we have an internet service, which is a subsidiary company that is not really a profit-driven company the way Techlify Inc. is, but more toward serving the Hinterland communities,” Kissoon shared. “So, it’s an internet service in the border town of Lethem and the Brazilian border. It brings internet service from Brazil, to Lethem and surrounding communities. That’s actually one of our goals, by the end of 2025, to get internet to all Hinterland communities in Guyana,” he stated.

By continuing to invest in advancing technological use across Guyana and creating opportunities for learning and development in the local technology markets, Kissoon had advice for aspiring tech entrepreneurs in Guyana. “Figure out an area that you’re good at, one you enjoy doing and focus on that. The market has a lot of opportunities, people are looking for technology solutions. So, if you’re into custom software, focus on that. If you’re into mobile apps, focus on that, websites, focus on that. Just really zone in on capturing what you’re good at in our local markets.”

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