Logo of ActionINVEST Caribbean Inc. Guyana

Your Guide to Business Networking Events in Guyana


Effective networking can be the difference between a stagnant business and one that is dynamically growing.

Business Networking Events serve as essential arenas where you can meet potential clients, suppliers, and even business partners.

How do you keep track of all these events?

The Who’s Who in Guyana Business directory offers an up-to-date list of all the must-attend business events in the country.

While being informed is the first step, ActionINVEST Caribbean Inc takes it a step further through our “Network in Action” service. This service offers a platform for in-person networking, enabling businesses to connect, collaborate, and grow together. Unlike traditional networking settings, our carefully curated events offer a strategic and structured environment, ensuring you can make the most out of every meeting.

By securing a copy of the Who’s Who in Guyana Business directory and utilizing our “Network in Action” service, you won’t just stay ahead; you’ll also be prepared.

We invite you to reach out to us to attend a complimentary in-person networking session, and make the most of the opportunities that come your way.

See: https://whoswho.gy/

See: https://actioninvest.org/network-in-action/

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