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Have You Heard The One About Sales Training???


The Third Round of Sales Training begins on August 15th, 2023, in person.

Investment: Only $1200 per person for the entire course.

You’ll receive a weekly 30-minute video course followed by a 60-minute group coaching session each week.

During the sessions, you’ll solidify your learnings, explore what your peers are testing and measuring, and focus on applying the skills from the video education to avoid wasting time.

By the end of the 12 weeks, you’ll have a crystal clear understanding and practical experience of how to effectively apply your selling skills. This will resonate with your customers, lead to more yeses, and boost your confidence with every sale.

Email info@actioninvest.org to reserve your spot.

The Long Version…

Many people believe there’s some “magic” to selling.

They say things like “Only outgoing people can sell,” or “I can’t sell because I’m too shy,” or even “Salespeople are slimy.”

But as Thomas Watson, Sr., the founder of IBM, rightly said, “Nothing happens until a sale is made.”

Selling is an integral business process.

Here’s something you might need to hear, especially if you think you know everything about selling:

  • On an individual level, sales training can boost sales representatives’ performance by an average of 20%. (Source: Spotio)
  • Sales training yields a remarkable 353% ROI for the average company. In other words, for every $1 spent on training, you can get up to $4.53 in return. (Source: Task Drive)
  • Continuous training results in 50% higher net sales per sales representative.
  • Companies that invest in training are 57% more effective at sales than their competitors. (Source: Task Drive)

Selling is a skill that can be learned, but it’s also perishable. When combined with the Law of Entropy, it’s likely you’re not selling the way you think you are.

The best salespeople train consistently, but most sales training lacks feedback. You consume information but struggle to know if you’re applying it effectively.

However, that’s not the case with our ActionCOACH 12-Week Sales Training.

Based on our collective experience of selling over $11.5 million in coaching services, we’ve created a clear and easy process for developing the perfect sales system.

Your blueprint will cover 12 key areas, including:

  • The mindset of professional selling and building your confidence in overcoming fears.
  • Leveraging the beliefs of great salespeople to eliminate imposter syndrome and discomfort around your offer.
  • Communicating and engaging with prospects to position yourself as the expert with their best interests in mind.
  • Prospecting, qualifying, and targeting the right niche for consistent results.
  • The importance of lead qualification and the critical tools to simplify your selling process.
  • Creating customized techniques that align with your style and your customers’ needs.

In just 12 weeks, you can master all this and more. We’ve condensed the sales tools and skills from the entire ActionCOACH system into these sessions.

This sales training is what you can expect from ActionCOACH—world-class simplification, crystal clear training, and a dedicated coach to help you perfect your practice.

Imagine the satisfaction of getting more “yeses” because you’ve developed and implemented your own sales system. Imagine your confidence consistently soaring as you follow your plan.

Enroll now to receive expert coaching focused on YOU and your sales skills.

This is the perfect time to enhance this critical tool for your business. While your competitors may become conservative during the impending recession, improving your sales NOW gives you the opportunity to secure more business.

Email info@actioninvest.org for specific enrollment information.

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