ActionCOACH SeminarCLUB Programmes
Soft Skill Training. Guaranteed Services. Guaranteed Results.

DISC Communication
Our DISC online assessment is an invaluable behaviour profiling system that teaches users how to identify and use to their advantage the predictable aspects of communication. Whether you're the member of a large or small organization, our DISC reports offer the greatest accuracy for a range of dynamic business applications.

Our workshop will provide you with invaluable time management skills that can be easily transferable to your business and your key decision makers. It's also one of the most costly functions of doing business, so it's important to make sure you don't lose valuable time engaging in time-consuming and unproductive activities.

As a business coaching company, we know that the fastest way to grow profits in any business is to get everyone working towards a common goal as a committed team. Concentrate on developing your team and your team will take care of your profit. So learn how to create this winning team by attending our TeamRICH Seminar!
Supervisory Management
Learning management skills is important because managers are responsible for delegating staff, creating systems and running all of the overheads of an organization. Learn how to make your team more productive, how to implement action and how to use effective leadership to delegate duties.
Imagine having your very best customers constantly doing your selling for you. What would your bottom line look like if you had new customers flooding through your doors without having to spend anything on advertising? Our powerful half-day ServiceRICH workshop will show you how you and your team can make top class customer service a way of life in your organization.
Public Speaking
Your career may depend on how well you can express yourself. You may have to speak to clients, co-workers, CEOs. and therefore need to ensure that your message is communicated clearly and effectively. Public speaking (or fear of) can not only hold professionals back, but can make or break business deals or pitches. Don't let your fear of public speaking hold you back! Learn the necessary skills to become a better speaker today!
What our Clients Say
“Our team was exposed to One on One coaching, Seminar Club and Action Club programs. From this exposure, Denmor Garments was able to develop by expanding our market share locally and to the CARICOM.
Our Team was trained in numerous areas which has helped tremendously in systemizing our operations leading to a high-performance team and better customer service.
From the coaching sessions, personally, I was able to transform my mindset significantly, leading to developing my leadership skills which enabled me to manage the Company in a more effective manner. As such, our team would not hesitate in recommending ActionINVEST Caribbean Inc. services to any Company or Entrepreneur wishing to expand their business.”
Serojinee Mudlier-Persaud
Get your sales team to sell more than they've ever sold before by learning techniques and skills to keep ahead of the competition. Is your sales team continuously learning new skills or are they just retrenching bad habits?
Even the simple task of answering the phone correctly, can have a dramatic impact on a caller's perception of your organization, the skills, and the professionalism of your team. Learn how to convert those prospects into customers right there on the phone!
Learn how to quickly market yourself better by extracting your business uniqueness – that quality which sets you apart from your competitors and learn how to use it to get more of the customers you want.
Critical Thinking
We live in a knowledge based society and the more critical you think the better your knowledge will be. Critical Thinking provides you with the skills to analyze and evaluate information so that you are able to obtain the greatest amount of knowledge from it.
This program offers the REAL world education and tools needed to master the finances in your organization. In this workshop you will learn to read, understand and use financial statements to make informed, intelligent, and strategic business decisions!
Having the right systems is an integral aspect of a functioning organization. These systems will save you time, energy, and money. Learn how to develop systems and structure documents, maintain a level of consistency and reduce error rates within your organization.
Looking for corporate training instead?
Click here to see our extensive Corporate Training modules